If you have limited time, this North-west in 4 days motorbike tour provides a good opportunity to discover the most beautiful region of Northwest Vietnam. Including Dien Bien Phu, site of the famous decisive battle in Vietnam’s struggle for independence in 1954; the most beautiful hill-tribe market of Sin Ho, where you will meet dozen of ethnic minority such as Black H’mong, Red H’mong, Red Dao, Dao Khau, Dao Dau Bang, Lu, and Kho Mu. You visit many ethnic villages. This trip offers a chance to see all the most spectacular scenery in this high mountainous region of Northwest Vietnam.

Some people don’t like traffic in and out of Hanoi and want to take the train both ways. If fact, it’s possible but cost more for the train tickets (bikes and passengers). You can check this 5-days route from Sapa here.

Below is a video clip that has some portions of this North-west in 4 days trip. In case you want to watch more videos please check our YouTube channel.



Night 1: Hanoi – Lao Cai – Night train. ~10 h.

Departure from Hanoi at 9.30 pm. In fact, we need to be at Tran Quy Cap train station early to buy tickets for the bikes. Each train has only one cargo wagon so space is a problem.
Arrival in Lao Cai at 6.10 am.

Day 1: Lao Cai – Sin Ho. ~140 km, ~6 h.

Take our bike, fill up gasoline, and have our breakfast. Then we ride up to Sapa pass and ride into Sapa after an hour. Spend an hour walking in beautiful Sapa, visit the daily market where they sell all local products and herbal medicines.

Continue rolling along up one of the most beautiful mountain passes in the North of Vietnam. From the pass you can see Fansipan 3,143 m above sea level, the highest point in S.E Asia, usually wreathed in beautiful white clouds.

Going down to Lai Chau (Tam Duong) for lunch and then continue heading up a hill again for Sin Ho, 1,700 m above the sea level with a great atmosphere.

In the afternoon you will have an opportunity to walk to villages and return to town before dark.

Day 2: Sin Ho – Dien Bien. ~180 km, ~6 h.

From early morning, you will hear people walking, talking, laughing, singing, horses, chickens, and the wind, a heady mixture of sounds to wake you up but don’t be in a hurry to go to the market, take your camera and keep walking in the opposite direction to have a great view of this mountain market.

Back in town for breakfast then spend most of the morning in the market, then we go down to Lai Chau for lunch in the poor and beautiful town, which will be flooded when the Son La dam is completed.

In the afternoon we will follow road 12 to Dien Bien Phu, where, in 1954, a large number of French soldiers, mostly Africans, were killed when they were ambushed by Viet Minh.

We will ride through beautiful wild mountain passes and down to Dien Bien Hollow, then walk to visit some of the famous battle sites like Hill A1, De Castries Bunker, etc.

Vietnam Motorbike Motorcycle Tours - North-West In 4 Days: Short North-west in 4 days motorbike tour

Day 3: Dien Bien – Than Uyen. ~180 km, ~7 h.

In the morning, we will visit the Dien Bien Phu War museum. Then jump on our bikes and head straight to Tuan Giao. Stop at the junction of Road 6 and Road 279 for lunch.

In the afternoon, we have 3 hours riding through the beautiful scenery of mountain views and the Black River. Take a ferry to Cross Black River at Pac Uon village and then continue our ride to Than Uyen valley.

Day 4: Than Uyen – Lao Cai. ~150 km, ~5 h. End of North-West In 4 Days.

Follow road no 32 along the foot of the mountains behind the Hoang Lien mountain ranges. We will pass a big green tea plantation. We then enjoy off-roading riding along small tracks through the tea.

After lunch in Sapa, we have more time to relax in Sapa town. Then ride down to Lao Cai to catch the night train back to Hanoi in the evening. The next morning, you arrive in Hanoi around 5-6am and it’s possible to connect to another tour on the same day.

Contact us at [email protected] in case you need more details or options of this North-west in 4 days on two wheels.

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